New Award

I am pleased to be the recipient of the second "1000 Miles Per Watt Award," in the JT9 mode, from the QRP/Amateur Radio Club International.  My daughter, Jennifer, has Award #1. 



Feld Hell Club #693
Board Member Emeritus
Former Webmaster, Awards, and Contest Manager

I am especially proud of my 50 Bar WAS award, which recognizes me as only the 3rd ham in history to work all 50 states in Hell.  And, as far as I know, I am the only ham ever to work all fifty states and the District of Columbia

SKCC (See my special CW page)




PSK Golf

In this game, we use the callsign suffix letter to spell the word of the month (January was AMATEUR)

Here, we use the callsign suffix letter to fill a chart like BINGO

Other clubs & numbers...


I recently QSOd with K1RAW, who is member #1





AMSAT (#3822)

Digital Radio Yahoo Group (#146)